Any musical content acquired through the redirection of this site is strictly for for promotional purposes and property of its respective owners. Duh.
This site is updated daily. I welcome request and criticism. Carpe Diem.
Todo el material publicado en este blog es para uso evaluativo, para promover y sin fines de lucro. En ningun caso apoyamos la pirateria. Puedes descargar los archivo, pero si no tienes el original deberas borrarlo en un lapso de 24 horas. Si realmente te gusta el material compra el original y apoya a tu artista. Tenga un buen dia mijos!
A word from Alexander Berkman:
If your object is to secure liberty, you must learn to do without authority and compulsion. If you intend to live in peace and harmony with your fellow-men, you and they should cultivate brotherhood and respect for each other. If you want to work together with them for your mutual benefit, you must practice cooperation. The social revolution means much more than the reorganization of conditions only: it means the establishment of new human values and social relationships, a changed attitude of man to man, as of one free and independent to his equal; it means a different spirit in individual and collective life, and that spirit cannot be born overnight. It is a spirit to be cultivated, to be nurtured and reared, as the most delicate flower it is, for indeed it is the flower of a new and beautiful existence.
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Email me: vegan.ivan[at]gmail[dot]com or comment anywhere on the site.
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